Changes of climbing agreements - Keeping Gneis and Klatreverket, termination of OKS and Vulcan agreement!

Postet av Anders Fure Kløvstad den 14. Feb 2024

Dear all, after the referendum of "which climbing gym agreements we will keep?"; 

The background of the changes are, as described in our workplace-group:

"Hi all!

With the addition of the Gneis-Lilleaker climbing agreement, we currently sit on 4 climbing agreements, and we need to reduce the number of agreements, both to cap the cost at the current level, and to reduce administration (updating list of eligible climbers and the one-climb-a-week control).

Additionally, with the success of the "Tirsdagsklatring", the trial arrangement of the "Tirsdagsklatring at Gneis for free" will be made permanent between start of Oktober and end of Mai! 🙂

Anyway, due to the closeness of Gneis-Lilleaker, we will keep that agreement for sure, the question is which agreement to keep in addition to Gneis!?

In that regard we are having this poll, in order to get a feedback from our members:"

The decision was quite clear with 12 in favor of Klatreverket (KV), 5 for OKS and 0 for Vulcan!

Hence, we will terminate our agreements with OKS and Vulcan.

Since the Vulcan agreement is a "prepaid" company "klippekort" with 15 remaining spots - we will obviously use those spots as before, but not renew the arrangement. Same rules and regulations as previously; (1 free climb a week+ free Tirsdagsklatring @ Gneis"

And a heads up, we are also looking into reshaping the board of the "Klatregruppa", so it will soon be announced more changes and a lot of new activity spinning out of a larger climbing-board! If you want to contribute and be a member of the climbing-board, please contact me or Susanne!

As always: "The sport of alpine climbing compares to all other sports, as Champagne to bokkøl"


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